woocommerce - Articles, Ideas and Inspiration!

A helpful blog for web analysts, trying to make sense of marketing with woocommerce, tag manager, analytics and tracking scripts.

WooCommerce Facebook Pixel: Track Purchase Event using DataLayer & Google Tag Manager

WooCommerce Facebook Pixel: Track Purchase Event using DataLayer & Google Tag Manager

Learn how to configure the Facebook Pixel Purchase event on your WooCommerce store using Google Tag Manager. This comprehensive guide covers setting up Google Tag Manager, adding the necessary data layers, and ensuring accurate event tracking for better Facebook Ads targeting.


WooCommerce Facebook Pixel: Initiate Checkout Ecommerce using DataLayer & Google Tag Manager

WooCommerce Facebook Pixel: Initiate Checkout Ecommerce using DataLayer & Google Tag Manager

Learn how to configure the Facebook Pixel Initiate Checkout event on your WooCommerce store using Google Tag Manager. This comprehensive guide covers setting up Google Tag Manager, adding the necessary data layers, and ensuring accurate event tracking for better Facebook Ads targeting.


WooCommerce Facebook Pixel: View Cart Ecommerce using DataLayer & Google Tag Manager

WooCommerce Facebook Pixel: View Cart Ecommerce using DataLayer & Google Tag Manager

Learn how to configure the Facebook Pixel View Cart event on your WooCommerce store using Google Tag Manager. This comprehensive guide covers setting up Google Tag Manager, adding the necessary data layers, and ensuring accurate event tracking for better Facebook Ads targeting.


WooCommerce Facebook Pixel: Add To Cart Ecommerce using DataLayer & Google Tag Manager

WooCommerce Facebook Pixel: Add To Cart Ecommerce using DataLayer & Google Tag Manager

Learn how to configure the Facebook Pixel Add to Cart event on your WooCommerce store using Google Tag Manager. This comprehensive guide covers setting up Google Tag Manager, adding the necessary data layers, and ensuring accurate event tracking for better Facebook Ads targeting.


How to Configure Facebook Pixel View Content Event on WooCommerce using Google Tag Manager

How to Configure Facebook Pixel View Content Event on WooCommerce using Google Tag Manager

Learn how to configure the Facebook Pixel View Content event on your WooCommerce store using Google Tag Manager. This comprehensive guide covers setting up Google Tag Manager, adding the necessary data layers, and ensuring accurate event tracking for better Facebook Ads targeting.


WooCommerce Facebook Pixel: View Category Ecommerce using DataLayer & Google Tag Manager

WooCommerce Facebook Pixel: View Category Ecommerce using DataLayer & Google Tag Manager

This blog post is for you if you want to target specific audiences with Facebook Ads or segment your website visitors based on the categories they browse. In this guide, we'll walk you through configuring the View Category event for Facebook Pixel using Google Tag Manager (GTM).


Configure Facebook Pixel on WooCommerce with Google Tag Manager

Configure Facebook Pixel on WooCommerce with Google Tag Manager

This guide teaches you how to configure Facebook Pixel on your WooCommerce store using Google Tag Manager. Track website visitor behavior and leverage data for effective Facebook advertising campaigns.


WooCommerce Ga4: Purchase Enhanced Ecommerce Event using GTM and DataLayer (Part 5/5)

WooCommerce Ga4: Purchase Enhanced Ecommerce Event using GTM and DataLayer (Part 5/5)

Setting up a purchase event tracking on your WooCommerce store can significantly enhance your ability to analyze customer behavior and boost your marketing strategies. This guide will walk you through configuring a purchase event using Google Tag Manager (GTM) and Google Analytics (GA).


WooCommerce Ga4: Begin Checkout Enhanced Ecommerce Event using GTM and DataLayer (Part 4/5)

WooCommerce Ga4: Begin Checkout Enhanced Ecommerce Event using GTM and DataLayer (Part 4/5)

The "Begin Checkout" event is triggered when a user moves from the cart page to the checkout interface, indicating they're beginning the process of completing a purchase. This event captures critical actions such as clicking on "Proceed to Checkout" or accessing checkout directly via checkout links.
