google analytics - Articles, Ideas and Inspiration!

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[Customer Pixel] How to Configure Google Analytics Page View Event on Shopify Using Google Tag Manager

[Customer Pixel] How to Configure Google Analytics Page View Event on Shopify Using Google Tag Manager

Learn how to set up and configure Google Analytics page view event tracking on your Shopify store using Google Tag Manager. This step-by-step guide ensures accurate event tracking for better insights into your website's performance.


GA4 ViewItemList Event on Shopify using Google Tag Manager

GA4 ViewItemList Event on Shopify using Google Tag Manager

This blog post will guide you through configuring the "View Item List" event in Google Analytics 4 (GA4) using Google Tag Manager for your Shopify store. This new event, introduced in e-commerce tracking, resembles the impression event from Universal Analytics. GA4 simplifies the process, making it more intuitive to build different reports.


Mastering Cart Tracking in Shopify with Google Analytics 4 using GTM

Mastering Cart Tracking in Shopify with Google Analytics 4 using GTM

Welcome to our detailed guide on configuring the "View Cart" event in Shopify using Google Analytics 4. This functionality is a game-changer for e-commerce reporting, allowing you to track how many visitors are engaging with your cart page and the items they're considering purchasing. Let's dive into the process.


GA4 Purchase Event on Shopify using Google Tag Manager

GA4 Purchase Event on Shopify using Google Tag Manager

The 'purchase' event in GA4 is a pivotal data point. It’s the culmination of a user's journey from a potential visitor to a confirmed buyer. Tracking this on your Shopify store provides invaluable insights, helping optimize your marketing strategies, improve your ROI, and enhance the overall user experience.


GA4 BeginCheckout Event on Shopify using Google Tag Manager

GA4 BeginCheckout Event on Shopify using Google Tag Manager

In the e-commerce universe, the journey from mere interest to a committed purchase is filled with crucial touchpoints. One of the most telling moments in this journey is when a user initiates the checkout process. The 'BeginCheckout Event' in Google Analytics 4 (GA4) offers an unparalleled perspective into this decisive phase, capturing the transition of a browsing user to a potential buyer.


GA4 ViewItem Event on Shopify using Google Tag Manager

GA4 ViewItem Event on Shopify using Google Tag Manager

The 'ViewItem Event' is more than just a number. It's an insight into what catches a user's eye, what holds their interest, and potentially, what nudges them towards making a purchase. Monitoring this event allows you to understand product performance, optimize listings, and craft targeted marketing campaigns.


GA4 PageView Event on Shopify using GTM

GA4 PageView Event on Shopify using GTM

Every page visited by a user holds a wealth of data. Tracking these visits offers insights into popular products, effective landing pages, and potential areas of improvement. By monitoring the PageView event, retailers can strategize content placement, optimize product listings, and fine-tune user experience to maximize engagement and conversions.


Google Analytics 4 in Shopify using Native Integration

Google Analytics 4 in Shopify using Native Integration

Seamlessness and simplicity are at the heart of native integrations. By leveraging Shopify's built-in features with GA4, store owners can bypass the often complex and technical aspects of third-party tools, ensuring a smoother, error-free analytics setup. This direct integration offers a more reliable data stream, tailored specifically for the Shopify ecosystem.


Custom Report for facebook ads in UA

Custom Report for facebook ads in UA

To track the traffic acquisition for Facebook ads on UA for iOS14+ users using custom reports in google analytics.
