WooCommerce Ga4: Add to Cart Enhanced Ecommerce Event using GTM and DataLayer (Part 3/5)

by ShahzadaAliHassan - 4th March 2024


In the world of e-commerce, understanding customer behavior is crucial for success. One of the key actions that e-commerce managers need to track is the "Add to Cart" event. This post will guide you through configuring Google Analytics to track these events using Google Tag Manager for a WooCommerce store. This process is essential for anyone looking to optimize their online store and gain detailed insights into how users interact with their products.

Why Track "Add to Cart" Events?

Tracking "Add to Cart" events provides valuable data about which products attract the most interest and are likely to be purchased. This action is a strong indicator of buying intent. By analyzing this data, store owners can optimize their product placements and promotions to maximize conversions. Furthermore, detailed reports from tools like Google Looker Studio and Google Analytics can show the journey from product views to purchases, helping you fine-tune your marketing strategies.

Setting Up Google Tag Manager

Before diving into the configuration of "Add to Cart" events, make sure that your Google Tag Manager (GTM) container is properly set up on your WooCommerce store. If you haven’t done this yet, refer to the initial video in our series where we cover the setup process.

Data Layer Configuration

The data layer plays a critical role in how GTM interacts with your website. It acts as a repository of all the data that you want to pass to Google Analytics. For "Add to Cart" events, when a user clicks the add button, this triggers a data layer push event containing product details such as item ID, name, price, and quantity.

Creating Tags and Triggers

  1. Tag Creation: In GTM, create a new tag specifically for the "Add to Cart" event. This tag will be responsible for sending the captured data to Google Analytics.
  2. Trigger Setup: Set up a trigger that activates when the "Add to Cart" event occurs. This involves configuring a custom event trigger that matches the event name in the data layer.

Configuring the Tag in GTM

For the tag, you’ll need your Google Analytics Measurement ID, which can be found in your GA account. In the tag configuration, use the event name add_to_cart, adhering to the naming convention that avoids spaces and uses underscores instead.

Testing and Publishing

After setting up your tags and triggers, use GTM’s preview mode to test the configuration on your website. This mode allows you to see in real-time how tags are firing as you simulate navigating and adding products to the cart. Ensure that the "Add to Cart" event correctly sends all necessary data back to GA.

Once you confirm everything is working as expected, publish the GTM container to make the changes live. It’s crucial to regularly check the data in Google Analytics to ensure accuracy and to make any necessary adjustments.


Setting up "Add to Cart" tracking using Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics is a powerful way to gain insights into user behavior on your WooCommerce store. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can start collecting valuable data that will help you understand your customers better and improve your store’s performance. Remember, each element of your e-commerce strategy benefits from data-driven decision making, and it starts with effective tracking setup.