Configure Facebook Pixel on WooCommerce with Google Tag Manager

by ShahzadaAliHassan - 30th April 2024

This blog post is based on a video tutorial by Hassan, who helps businesses set up analytics and marketing tools. Here, you'll learn how to configure Facebook Pixel on your WooCommerce store using Google Tag Manager (GTM).

Who is this for?

What you won't find in this guide:

Before you start:


The video description offers a downloadable Google Tag Manager container pre-configured with Facebook Pixel. You can import this container and replace the placeholder Facebook Pixel ID with your own.

Step 1: Configure Google Tag Manager Container

There are two ways to add the GTM container code to your WooCommerce store:

Option 1: Using a Plugin (Recommended)

Option 2: Adding the Code Manually

Step 2: Configure Facebook Pixel Tag

Similar to adding the GTM container, you have two options for configuring the Facebook Pixel tag:

Option 1: Using a Template (Recommended)

Option 2: Using Custom HTML

Step 3: Test the Integration


By following these steps, you'll be able to configure Facebook Pixel on your WooCommerce store using Google Tag Manager. This allows you to track website visitor behavior and leverage that data for effective Facebook advertising campaigns. Remember to refer to the video for a more detailed explanation with visual cues.