If you are in the niche of graphic design, struggling to get a client and considering if your cover letter is not up to the mark, then you can use this cover letter guide to improve it.
Example Cover Letter:
Client Name
Starting the Cover Letter with a greeting such as “Hi” or “Hello” followed by the name of the client is appropriate. Do not use greetings such as “Hi Dear”, “Hey Sir/Madam” in case you are not able to find the name of the client.
You can find the name of the client if you will scroll down to the bottom of the Job Post and look for the client recent Job, there you can find the name of the client in feedbacks. If you failed to find the name Just use “Hi”.
Attaching a Video
The most import thing is providing a video link to the client, where you will be discussing all the details about their job, issues, solution and your past experience. Having a video attached to a proposal adds more value to your cover letter and it built a relationship more than words with a client.
I have seen a conversion rate of over 60% with loom video attached in the cover letter.
Pointing out the unique thing
Point out the most peculiar thing about the job post so the client can understand you have gone through the job post thoroughly. The client has some problem that they want to get solved by this Job Post. it can either getting a Post for their digital ads, or a UX/UI design for their website etc.
Provide three solutions to the clients project
Providing multiple solutions for the clients project. Having them understand that you understand the project and help them built a better graphic design post with you. Share your sample work, related to that particular project, with the attachments.
Provide client with the details about your requirements
Make sure, you mention them the things you need for the project, deadline and budget for the project. It can be the details of the Products, the aspect ratio of the designs, the images or copy of the posts etc.
Tell the client about yourself
You can tell the client about your certification, your past work history and your experiences or the tools that you use briefly, in one or two sentences, the client can refer to the profile for more details.
Call to action
You can also reemphasis their needs, by using the same words, the client has used in the job title. Its also important to add some sort of a call to action, usually I find it better to invite the client for a meeting on zoom or google meets.
Reference to a similar Job
This is the closing and here you want to reinforce the client to revisit your profile where they’ll review your previous jobs. and will completely sell client’s out to your proposal.
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