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Google Ads Purchase Event Conversion Tracking on Shopify using Google Tag Manager

Google Ads Purchase Event Conversion Tracking on Shopify using Google Tag Manager

In today’s video, we're diving deep into setting up e-commerce Purchase conversion tracking using Google Ads and Google Tag Manager (GTM) on your Shopify store! 🛒💻 From adding GTM container snippets to your Shopify theme to creating custom conversion actions in Google Ads, we've covered it all. We begin by ensuring our GTM container is properly firing across Shopify pages, including the crucial 'Thank You' page. Then, we move on to the nitty-gritty of configuring conversion tracking in your Google Ads account and setting up the necessary data layers for tracking purchase events. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, this step-by-step guide is designed to help you optimize your e-commerce tracking for better performance and insights.
