Never Miss a Sale Again - Track 95% of Your Conversions - Guaranteed!

"Shahzada's knowledge of everything Google Tag manager is at a very advanced level. He is also easy to communicate with."

Imtiaz Ahmed, CEO at Job Ready Programmer

100% done-for-you setup

95%+ accuracy

One-time setup cost

Completed within 7 days

Improved ROAS by 20%

Scaleable Solution


1032+ websites configured with 95% accuracy

DateBeforePrecision Track

Precision Tracking can completely transform your business – it's transformed hundreds.

If we haven't met before – hi, I'm Hassan, founder of Precision Track 👋

I started Precision Track in 2020, after seeing countless businesses struggle with inaccurate data and lost revenue. We started with 0 clients, 0 revenue, and a big vision. I knew nothing about building a SaaS product, but after months of research and development, we created something revolutionary.

Growing the business was challenging at first. We were working 80+ hours a week, constantly iterating on our product, and trying to convince skeptical marketers of the power of precise tracking. But we knew the impact accurate data could have on businesses...

We wanted to give marketers the clarity and confidence that comes with 95%+ tracking accuracy.

12 months later, we had helped over 100 businesses dramatically improve their ROAS and scale their ad spend with confidence. Two years on, we've worked with over 1,000 companies, saving them millions in ad spend and unlocking growth they never thought possible.

Now, Precision Track is the go-to solution for businesses serious about optimization. We've grown from a small startup to a team of dedicated experts, all focused on one mission: giving you the most accurate data possible.

I genuinely believe that with the right tracking, you can transform your marketing efforts and scale your business beyond what you thought possible.

So, how do you harness the power of precision tracking? How do you unlock the potential of your marketing data? Well, it starts with a conversation...

Book Your Free Strategy Call

The Simple "Secret" Formula to 95%+ Tracking Accuracy

Over the last 5 years, I've learned a lot about what it takes to build reliable tracking systems from scratch, provide value consistently, and optimize ROI in a data-driven way. I've spent thousands of hours, and over $100,000 in courses and coaching programs to try and find the secret sauce that helps businesses track effectively and scale their growth.

And while I've learned a lot of things (more on that later), the biggest thing I've learned is this:

There's no secret to building a life-changing tracking system.

It's just a matter of:

That's all it takes.

I personally guarantee that if you follow this 3-part formula, your business will transform in ways you can't imagine.

You'll gain incredibly valuable insights, you'll make data-driven decisions that impress your team and clients, and you'll start to see real, measurable growth in your ROI. You might even get messages from people about how your optimized campaigns have changed their business 😊

It seems simple in theory, but the execution is slightly more difficult.

Why do so few businesses actually succeed with precision tracking?

One word – complexity.

Implementing precise tracking is hard because it requires a deep understanding of multiple systems and platforms. And unless you're a full-time data analyst with no other responsibilities, tracking accuracy is probably something you don't have a lot of time to focus on.

Sure, if you're a tech-savvy marketer with unlimited resources, you could probably figure it out given enough time. But if you're like most marketers, and you've got an actual business to run, or clients to manage, or you just don't have 40+ hours a week to devote to perfecting your tracking setup, things are a lot harder.

To achieve 95%+ tracking accuracy, you've got to master a bunch of different skills, some of which have entire university courses built around them, which can take years to master.

There are dozens of ways in which tracking sucks up your time

And whether you figure it out on your own or not, you'll also have to do all this while juggling your core business responsibilities, client relationships, and trying to avoid burnout.

I'm not saying that you can't figure all of this out on your own.

I did, but it took me 5 years, and $100k+ in courses and coaching. Yes, there are thousands of tutorials out there teaching you how to do all of these things, but all those videos will take you thousands of hours to watch, and thousands of hours to implement.

And even then, you might still get it wrong and not see any results.

Skip the Learning Curve - Get 95% Accuracy in 7 Days

So how do you succeed with 95% Accurate Tracking?

You build a Precision Tracking System.

That's the secret.

If you can systemize and operationalize your tracking setup, you’ll be able to ensure that all your marketing efforts are accurately tracked, enabling you to make better decisions and maximize your ROI, without sacrificing your time.

Just like successful businesses have systemized their processes for consistent results, you want to build a system around your tracking setup that provides leverage.

Systems provide leverage.

Leverage is how you increase your output while saving time. That's the true secret to achieving 95%+ tracking accuracy.

Build a system that allows you to:

  • Implement precise tracking across all channels
  • Monitor and validate your data regularly
  • Optimize based on accurate data insights
  • Iterate continuously for sustained growth

This doesn’t suck the creativity out of your business. Instead, it multiplies it, because you’re spending your time focusing on what matters—growing your business and achieving your goals.

If you build a system, it takes a lot less time.

I’ve built these systems for my clients, and I can help you build yours too.

Ready to take the next step?

Our Precision Track Solution Guarantees 95% Tracking Accuracy

We ensure your tracking is accurate with an easy setup, full testing, and low maintenance. Our system helps you make better decisions and increase your profits.

Enjoy the End Results

We make sure your tracking is 95% accurate so you get the right data every time. Plus, our support team is here to help you all day, every day.

Look at what we have worked with in the Past

Optimize Your Tracking in 7 Days! Get Started with No Risk.

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